Dedar Mahal Singh
Reward Manager – Event: 16th November 2022
Dedar is a Performance and Reward specialist who has worked in investment and retail banks. Dedar has gained extensive experience in reward and performance, governance, MI, analytics and HRIS in global and regional roles including working on projects and processes linked to reward strategy, policy and process, regulatory and executive compensation, remuneration committee, reward disclosures and regulatory submissions.

In November we held our third instalment of OP Academy for 2022, following on from the super successful event in the summer. This time in collaboration with our Reward & Analytics team and in response to the request from our previous event for a speaker to focus more on data and analytics in relation to HR. We welcomed our speaker, Dedar Mahal Singh, Reward Manager at investment bank Peel Hunt, to our offices in Bank, where it was standing room only. The umbrella of Human Resources is a large one, with many specialisms and routes to go down. All of our OP Academy speakers have given a personal career overview, with Dedar’s journey into Reward, it gave many of our junior reward and HR professionals food for thought on the progression of their career.
As we approach Year End for many organisations, and after the bounce back from Covid, performance and reward analytics, the impact on compensation, performance and employee engagement in the workplace has been at the forefront for many companies in regards to retention of talent and also for candidates in their job search. For our HR Generalist candidates, where reward, analytics and benefits is a part of their role, Dedar gave an insight into current market trends with a focus on Financial Services, how to develop your knowledge in this space, and the power of the network around you, asking questions and gaining information to grow in your HR career.
Our OP Academy events are always an open forum, and our second face to face event was no different. We had a fantastic Question & Answer session, with benefits and the trends on compensation and rewarding employees a hot topic. We saw our audience really engage, with questions on how to specialise in Reward, and the impact of salary compensation on different businesses and jobseekers alike.
Feedback was brilliant, with our amazing speaker really capturing the crowd, one attendee commented “some really insightful ideas discussed and great food for thought”, with another enjoying the “excellent opportunity to network with people from different industries and get a feel for what other people do in HR”. We are super excited for our next OP Academy event in the new year, with plans already underway for February, building on the success of 2022.

Robyn Wells
HR & Talent Specialist Recruiter within Tech/FinTech, Media, Telco and B2B