Owning your own Growth
The OP Academy makes an even bigger comeback.

Following our theme of supporting HR professional within their career, this event was centred around the idea of ‘Owning your own Growth!’. Our Speaker, Emy Rumble-Mettle, CPO of Flutter Entertainment took us through what a typical growth journey looks like and how to challenge and drive this going forward.
“Businesses are hotels not prisons”
It was interesting to see how many people have followed the traditional route of growth through what we see at the “corporate ladder”, but there is so much more to it and it is down to you as an individual to drive that growth and development yourself.
During the session we looked at dispelling some myths, providing context as to why many of us believe growth is something that gets given to us, shared tools and concepts to advance growth, explored what happens when you sit in discomfort and challenged people to own their growth.
Emy introduced us to what is known as “The change dance”, speaking around comfort, fear, growth and change – the four areas we all find ourselves in when developing in our careers. Once you know where you are, you know where you need to go.
“if it feels scary and uncomfortable – you are most probably doing the right thing!”
With all of these new tools, we then learned about how important it is to know who is supporting you through “The Circle of Influence”.
“Every year your web of influence should be growing with a minimum of 6 strong relationships.”
Career growth is said to be a 3 year cycle – Unconsciously Incompetent, Consciously Incompetent, Consciously Competent then Unconsciously Competent (you guessed it, by the last one you should be thinking about your next challenge!). Its important to understand where you are and where you want to go to gather the support around you and achieve your goal.
Emy brought her contagious enthusiasm, interesting stories from her career as well as advice for everyone there to take away.
Feedback was incredible, not only did people find it useful for them but they felt it would be brilliant to share with their colleagues, teams and even family and friends.
What our attendees said…
Really good – really enjoyed.
Content – was useful. Interactions with people managers, child/adult model.
Really loved by everybody!!!!
Analytics – people are scared of it. How to use it? How it can be presented? How to feel a bit more comfortable with presenting. REAL KEY ONE!!! A lot of pressure on HR teams to utilise data. ‘HR not good with numbers’ assumed it’s a finance remit. They can present numbers and present data. Help to influence business decisions. There is a nervousness around it, how can I present to create impact rather than just being a power point deck.
Anything to do with career advice. Maybe around topics – rewards person? Operational HR Manager around systems. Could also do ED&I. looking at different kind of remits within HR would be super helpful. Global mobility session as well. thoughts on how to approach. Getting a license from the government.”
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Robyn Wells
HR & Talent Specialist Recruiter within Tech/FinTech, Media, Telco and B2B