HR interim survey shows roles changing:
• More fixed term contracts, less day-rate roles
• Time between assignments increases
A new survey of 225 HR interim workers by Oakleaf Partnership shows that an improving permanent HR labour market is likely impacting the volume of temporary roles available. Additionally, over a third of respondents also said there were more fixed term contract (FTC) roles and less day rate roles available in the last year.
Although nearly 50 percent of respondents said the time spent between assignments hadn’t changed year on year, a net 24% increase in time between assignments is significant. Beyond the improving HR labour market, the situation may also be a reflection of additional costs associated with hiring interim or temporary workers as well as the skills in current demand.
Over a third of respondents concurred with these figures; 37.5% of interims said that available roles have decreased, while 16.5% and 36% stated the volume of assignments has increased or remained the same, respectively.
Oakleaf specialises in HR, Payroll, Reward, Pensions and Human Capital Services recruitment and executive search. It surveyed 225 mid to senior level, cross-sector interim HR professionals about their experiences of the past 12 months.
The survey also showed:
- 36% said there were more fixed term contract (FTC) roles and less day rate; 30% said more day rate and less FTC and 34% said there was an equal spread of FTC and day rate.
- 75% of respondents say their day rate has remained the same or risen by up to 20%. 16% have experienced a fall.
- Over half of all respondents secured their current or last role via a recruitment consultancy, of which 52 separate firms made the placement, indicating the degree of fragmentation in the supply of interim/temporary staff.
- Only 7.5% secured their role via a direct approach from the client.
- 26% say that change management and OD roles have been the main specialism required, followed by generalist HR at 20% and resourcing roles at 10%.
- Day rates range at the higher end of £1200+ to £100 at the lower, with the largest share at £400-600 at 31%.
Richard Colgan, Founder and Managing Partner of Oakleaf, said,
“Year on year, the demand for specialist HR interim and temporary workers appears stable at worst, and probably marginally better, both in terms of available roles, day rates secured.”
“The marked decline in day-rate roles is a concern and may be driven by many factors including preferred supplier list/recruitment process outsourcing type arrangements where blanket hiring decisions are based solely on cost of hire as opposed to a commercial decision based on business needs.”